Monday, July 5, 2010

Where did July go??

July just flew by. I can't believe it is now August. It seemed like so much happened in July. At church I was called to be part of the activities committee which I didn't think was so bad until they called Stephen and I to team teach Sunday school for the 14 & 15 year olds. Honestly the activities things takes more time, but preparing the lessons for Sunday school are really rough for me because I am not a scripture master at ALL! I did teach for the first time last Sunday and Stephen said I did good (I don't know if he was just being nice).

For Fourth of July we spent it in Big Bear at my parents and got to see the fireworks over the lake. Brooklind slept through the whole show. It was so awesome because at night in certain areas of Big Bear bats are flying around and they fly so low that they almost hit you. We went to my parents ward up there and took pictures of Brooklind in her 4th outfits.Basically we usually just hang out at the cabin: watch movies, go to the village, the boys go shooting, sleep, eat, etc. It was really warm up there that weekend too.Awwwww I love this picture of us!My parents had the johnny jumper in storage so we got it out...Brooklind loved it so much that she would just fall asleep in it Brooklind with her cousins at a 4th of July party

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