Monday, November 23, 2009

Pregnancy Update

I am so relieved! I passed the 3 hour glucose blood test! I don't have gestational Diabetes. YEAH! Now I can enjoy the holidays. I am now 29 weeks! How crazy! It is flying by. I just get a little nauseous in the mornings sometimes and my belly is always sore. Stephen and I start our lamaze class this Tuesday November 24. The baby is constantly moving....the doctor has me keeping track of the kick counts, but it is annoying because they want me to do it for the rest of the pregnancy, I think its a little too much.
I also had some other blood work and of course they found that I was anemic and low on iron, so I am suppose to be taking my iron supplement, but you know what that does to any person - not cool!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bummer! I was enimic too, I took some iron pills i should just give to you since i don't need them anymore- and actually they did not make me more constipated, I was surprised to have the opposite result, which was weird since i was a little constipated before. Anyways....too much information i'm sure, sorry!!